Psychic protection
for sensitive people
We are all more sensitive than we realise. Toxic people and situations can be dangerous to people who don’t know how to recognise the negative energy inherent in these things. I will teach you how to recognise negative energy, protect yourself against it, and radiate positive energy instead. There is no magic involved, only easy to learn techniques that keep you safe in a world full of subtle but dangerous energy that should be kept as far away from you as possible.
1 Hour at $175.00

We all have some psychic sensitivity. That’s why we get goosebumps or feel a creepy feeling around certain people or places. We’ve never been taught to acknowledge what we feel or how to understand it. I take the woo- woo out of psychic and show you that it’s a normal ability, there to help you avoid things (and people) that have a different(and even dangerous) kind of energy. Easy to learn techniques empower you to trust your own intuition and give you the confidence in your own insight to face anything in life.